New Home!,,url "

By your requests we implemented new style home pages, for your convenience. The new portal should look and feel what many of you called Outlook style or Explorer style: project based folders you create on the left, lists of objects on the top right, and the content on the bottom right.

The older home page interface is temporarily available by clicking this notification message. As soon as we migrate all of the tools to the new interface, we make sure that you like it and it sticks, the older home page will be depreciated and discontinued.

We are aware that just like anything else new, some issues may come up, some problems may appear while using the new system. We are working hard to fix those ! But we wanted you to know that we invite your comments. Please, report ANY problems you see. We know that you, our users play an important and critical role in creating HIVE, we appreciate every step, any recommendation, an inquiry and a desire to make HIVE better.

When you talk, we listen!

Please, use the new Home Pages! Enjoy the new interface!.


Structure Feature Analysis Tool (SFAT)

UniProtKB to PDB Feature Mapper
UniProtKB Accession: e.g. P06280
PDB ID: e.g. 3HG3
Human protein annotation mapper
UniProt/Position File:

This feature is under construction, it will be available very soon

N-Glycosylation Prediction

UniProtKB Accession: e.g. P06280

   You could provide an additional fasta file containing your modified sequence.
   Only one fasta record can be put in at a time.

  Fasta Sequence
Determines the secondary structure of the site of interest by mapping the position in UniProtKB to corresponding PDB structure

UniProtKB flat file Example
Select feature:
Put your motif of interest: e.g. N[^P][S|T]

   To obtain a quick result, you should provide a flat file containing less than 20 UniProtKB accessions.
   If you have more than 20 UniProtKB accessions, please keep a copy of the link to your results computation page and come back later


 Structure-based Comparative Analysis and Prediction of N-linked Glycosylation Sites in Evolutionarily Distant Eukaryotes. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. Lam PVN, Goldman R, Karagiannis K, Narsule T, Simonyan V, Soika V, Mazumder R.